CaLiForNIA kick-off conference

Time: Monday, 27 January - Thursday, 30 January, 2025

Venue: Brno, Czech Republic, hotel Continental

Meeting organizers: Emanuele Latini, Katharina Neusser, Jan Slovak, Martina Kolnikova

Accommodation: hotel Continental (booking arrangements via Martina, paid directly to the hotel)

Conference fee: €250 (includes rooms and all catering in the hotel, see the details on the registration page)

  The CaLiForNIA MSCA doctoral network project aims to push the frontier of research in these two key topics, Lie Theory and Cartan Geometry in synergy with the complementary investigations in the areas of quantum groups and more generally non commutative geometry, including physical applications. CaLiFornia goal is to apply the new mathematics originating by the above research to the new and strategic fields of quantum computing and geometric deep learning, top priorities in HorizonEurope.

More about the project ar its pages or at the CORDIS portal

The CaLiForNIA network includes 11 supervisors and 11 doctoral candidates, most of them are expected to come. The meeting is open to other interested participants. The programme will be based on the contributions by the network supervisors, details will appear later.

Please register as soon as possible (the deadline will be January 10, 2025) via this Google form.

The conference is organized by Masaryk University, together with the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, branch Brno.