@STRING( ACTA = "Acta Mathematica" ) @STRING( AMPA = "Annali di matematica pura ed applicata" ) @STRING( AM = "Annals of Mathematics" ) @STRING( ANZ = "Anzeiger der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien" ) @STRING( AMP = "Archiv der Mathematik und Physik" ) @STRING( BI = "Bulletin international" ) @STRING( CAN = "Canadian Journal of Mathematics" ) @STRING( CR = "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Sances de l' Acadmie des Sciences, Paris" ) @STRING( CASPMF = "asopis pro pstovn matematiky a fyziky" ) @STRING( DM = "Deutsche Mathematik" ) @STRING( DVT = "Djiny vd a techniky" ) @STRING( JD = "Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker--Vereinigung" ) @STRING( JDMV = "Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung" ) @STRING( JRAM = "Journal fr die reine und angewandte Mathematik" ) @STRING( MA = "Mathematische Annalen" ) @STRING( MZ = "Mathematische Zeitschrift" ) @STRING(MITT = "Mittheilungen der deutsche mathematische {G}esellschaft zu Prag" ) @STRING( MMP = "Monatshefte fr Mathematik und Physik" ) @STRING( RHA = "Revista matematica Hispano-Americana" ) @STRING( RMT = "Revista Mathematica y fsica teoretica, Tcmn" ) @STRING( RCA = "Rozpravy esk Akademie" ) @STRING( SKBGW = "Sitzungsberichte der kniglichen bhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften" ) @STRING( VCA = "Vstnk esk Akademie" ) @STRING( VKCSN = "Vstnk KSN" ) @STRING( WAB = "Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien" ) @STRING( ZAMM = "Zeitschrift fr angewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik" ) @STRING( ZRW = "Zeitschrift fr die {R}ealschulwesen" ) @STRING( ZMP = "Zeitschrift fr Mathematik und Physik.(Schlmilch)" ) @STRING( ZMU = "Zeitschrift fr mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht" ) @ARTICLE{Sobotka85a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Poznmka k znm jedn vt geometrick}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1885", volume = "14 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka92a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{ber Krmmung und Indikatricen der Helikoide}", journal = WAB, year = "1892" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka93a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Einige Konstruktionen bezglich der Schraubungsflchen}", journal = WAB, year = "1893" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka93b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{ber developpable Berhrungsflchen an windschiefe Helikoide}", journal = MMP, year = "1893" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka93c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Konstruktion der Oskulationshyperboloide windschiefer Flchen}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1893" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka93d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{ber Berhrungskurven der Schraubungsgeflchen mit Cylinderflchen}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1893" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka94a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Construction von hyperosculierenden Kugeln der cubischen Raumcurven}", journal = MMP, year = "1894" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka94b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Einige Krmmungshalbmesser-Eigenschaften der Regelschnitte}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1894" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka95a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Konstruktion von hyperoskulierenden Kugeln an kubische Raumkurven}", journal = WAB, year = "1895" } @INCOLLECTION{Sobotka95b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{ber einige Aufgaben aus der Arithmographie}", booktitle = "{Program relky ve tvrtm vdeskm okresu}", address = "{Wien}", year = "1895" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka96a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Einige Konstruktionen bezglich der Schnittkurven von Umdrehungsflchen mit Ebenen}", journal = WAB, year = "1896" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka96b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Beitrag zur Konstruktion von Krmmungskugeln an Raumskurven}", journal = WAB, year = "1896" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka96c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Eine Aufgabe aus der Geometrie der Bewegung und ihr Zusammenhang mit einigen cyklometrischen Aufgaben}", journal = MMP, year = "1896" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka98a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Beitrag zur infinitesimalen Geometrie der Integralkurven}", journal = WAB, year = "1896" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka98b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Infinitesimalgeometrie einiger Plankurven}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1898" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka99a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Perspective des Kreises}", journal = MMP, year = "1896" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka00a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Beitrag zur Perspektive der Kreises und anschliessend zur Konstruktion der Achsen und Kreisschnitte fr Flchen 2. Grades}", journal = WAB, year = "1900" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka00b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur rechnerischen Behandlung der Axonometrie}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1900" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka01a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{vahy o grafickm integrovn differencilnch rovnic}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1901", volume = "32 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka01b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Axonometrische Darstellungen aus zwei Rissen und Koordinatentransformationen}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1901" } @INCOLLECTION{Sobotka01c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Nkter konstrukce axonometrick}", booktitle = "{Vstnk III. sjezdu eskch prodozpytc}", year = "1901" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka02a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Pspvek k sestrojovn kueloseek dvojnsobn se dotkajcch}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1902", volume = "33 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka02b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Konstruktion von Krmmungskreisen und Achsen bei Kegelschnitten, welche durch fnf Punkte oder fnf Tangenten gegeben sind}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1902" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka02c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Krmmung der Kegelschnittevoluten und Konstruktion des Kegelschnittes durch fnf benachbarte Punkte}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1902" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka02d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O $n$-helncch a $n$-stranech v poloze perspektivn a o konfiguraci rovinn soustavy sil v rovnovze}", journal = RCA, year = "1902" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka03a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Poznmky k centrlnmu promtn koule}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1903", volume = "34 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka03b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zum Normalenproblem der Kegelschnitte}", journal = WAB, year = "1903" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka03c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zu den quadratischen Lsungen des Normalenproblems von Kegelschnitten}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1903" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka03d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{ber das einer Flche zweiten Grades umschriebene Viereck}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1903" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka03e, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Konstruktion von Oskulationshyperboloiden an windschiefe Flchen}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1903" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka03f, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{ber $n$-ecke und $n$-seite in perspektive Lage und ber die Configuration eines im Gleichgewichte befindlichen ebenen Krftesystems}", journal = BI, year = "1903" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka04a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O tyhelnku ploe 2. stupn opsanm}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1904", volume = "35 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka04b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Ermittelung der Krmmung bei Kegelschnitten, welche durch fnf Punkte oder fnf Tangenten gegeben sind}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1904" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka04c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur konstruktiven Auflsung der Gleichungen 2., 3. und 4. Grades}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1904" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka05a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Pspvek ku grafickmu een rovnic 2., 3., a 4. stupn}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1905", volume = "36 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka05b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O ivot a innosti Eduarda Weyra, III. O Weyrov innosti v geometrii}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1905", volume = "34 " } @BOOK{Sobotka06a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Deskriptivn geometrie promtn parallelnho}", year = "1906", address = "{Praha}", publisher = "{JMF a esk Matice technick}" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka07a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Betrachtungen zur Konstruktion von Kegelschnitten aus teilweise imaginren Elementen}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1907" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka07b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Konstruktion der Oskulationshyperboloide von Kegelflchen}", journal = SKBGW, year = "1907" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka07c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Karel ryt. Kostka}", journal = "{Almanach esk Akademie}", year = "1907", note = "{Nekrolog}" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka08a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Antonn Sucharda}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1908", volume = "37 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka08b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Antonn Sucharda}", journal = "{Almanach esk Akademie}", year = "1908", note = "{Nekrolog}" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka09a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O vytvoovn ploch druhho stupn. I.; vytvoen Mac-Cullaghovo}", journal = RCA, year = "1909" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka09b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O vytvoovn ploch druhho stupn. II.; Souvislost vytvoen dle Mac-Cullagha s vytvoenm Jacobiho}", journal = RCA, year = "1909" } @MISC{Sobotka09c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Pednky o diferenciln geometrii}" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka10a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O vytvoovn ploch druhho stupn. Dv sdlen. III. Pechod od Jacobiho vytvoen k vt Ivoryho. IV. vta Ivoryho a nkter jej dsledky}", journal = RCA, year = "1910" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka10b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Konstruktionen die Krmmung einer Flche in einem Punkte betreffend}", journal = BI, year = "1910" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka10c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Joachimsthalschen Lsung des Normalenproblems}", journal = BI, year = "1910" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka10d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O ivot a innosti Karla Pelze}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1910", volume = "41 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka11a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{een loh 3. a 4. stupn pomoc pohyblivho pravho hlu}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1911", volume = "42 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O nkterch relacch metrickch a jejich uit k analytickmu een problemu Apollonickho}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1912", volume = "43 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{K analytickmu een problemu Apollonickho na kouli}", journal = RCA, year = "1912" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Dodatky k analytickm vahm o krunicch a koulch Apolloniovch a isogonalnch}", journal = RCA, year = "1912" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Analytick vyetovn o koulch, kter se dotkaj i danch ploch kulovch}", journal = RCA, year = "1912" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12e, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{K Joachimsthalovu een problmu normal}", journal = RCA, year = "1912" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12f, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{K problmu normal pi ellipse a hyperbole}", journal = RCA, year = "1912" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12g, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Analytische Betrachtungen ber Kugeln, welche vier gegebene Kugeln berhren}", journal = BI, year = "1912" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12h, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur analytischen Lsung des Apollonischen Problems auf der Kugel}", journal = BI, year = "1912" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12i, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur analytischen Behandlung von Apollonischen und isogonalen Kreisen und Kugeln}", journal = BI, year = "1912" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12j, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zum normalenproblem der Ellipse und Hyperbol}", journal = BI, year = "1912" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka12k, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Alois Strnad}", journal = "{Almanach esk Akademie}", year = "1912", note = "{Nekrolog}" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O jistm minimu pi osmistnu}", journal = RCA, year = "1913" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Druh trojhelnk maximlnch a minimlnch danmu trojhelnku opsanch neb vepsanch}", journal = RCA, year = "1913" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Vyjden obsahu libovolnho tystnu se zetelem na jeho maximum nebo minimum}", journal = RCA, year = "1913" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Extremy mnohohelnk vepsanch}", journal = RCA, year = "1913" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13e, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Eine Minimumseigenschaft des Oktaeders}", journal = BI, year = "1913" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13f, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Eine besondere Art von einem gegebenen Dreieck ein- oder umgeschriebenen extremen Dreiecken}", journal = BI, year = "1913" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13g, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Inhaltsbestimmung eines Vierseites mit Rcksicht auf sein Maximum oder Minimum}", journal = BI, year = "1913" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13h, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{ber extreme eingeschriebene Vielecke}", journal = BI, year = "1913" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13i, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Vclav ehoovsk}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1913", volume = "44 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka13j, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Vclav K. ehoovsk}", journal = "{Almanach esk Akademie}", year = "1913", note = "{Nekrolog}" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka14a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Poznmka o jist vlastnosti kivek prostorovch}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1914", volume = "45 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka14b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Nkter potenn vlastnosti ploch druhho stupn}", journal = RCA, year = "1914" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka14c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O zvltnm zpsobu uren kuel a nkolik pslunch loh cyklometrickch}", journal = RCA, year = "1914" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka14d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Konstrukce oskulanch rovin nkterch kivek a nkolik deskriptivn geometrickch aplikac}", journal = RCA, year = "1914" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka14e, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Prostorov obdoba Steinerovy paraboly}", journal = RCA, year = "1914" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka14f, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{ber eine besondere Bestimmungsart von Kegeln und eine damit zusammenhngende zyklographische Aufgaben}", journal = BI, year = "1914" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka14g, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Das rumliche Analogon der Steinerschen Parabel}", journal = BI, year = "1914" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka14h, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Konstruktion von Schmiegungsebenen an gewise Kurven mit einiger darstellend geometrischen Anwendungen}", journal = BI, year = "1914" } @INCOLLECTION{Sobotka14i, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Die Lehrbcher fr Mathematik, Darstellende Geometrie und Physik an der Mitelschulen Mit bhmischer Unterrichtssprache}", booktitle = "{Berichte ber den mathematischen Unterricht in sterreich}", note = "{Sobotka je autorem pedmluvy}", year = "1914" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka15a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Ke konstrukci rovnoos hyperboly ze ty imaginrnch bod nebo teen a o jedn vlastnosti svazku kueloseek}", journal = RCA, year = "1915" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka15b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Vta Feuerbachova a jej seveobecnn}", journal = RCA, year = "1915" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka15c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zur Konstruktion einer gleichseitigen Hyperbel aus vier imaginren Punkten oder Tangenten und eine Eigenschaft des Kegelschnittbschels}", journal = BI, year = "1915" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka15d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Vzpomnky na Frantika Kolka}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1915", volume = "46 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka16a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Ke konstrukci rovnoos hyperboly ze ty imaginrnch bod nebo t؟en a o jedn vlastnosti svazku kueloseek}", journal = RCA, year = "1916" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka16b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O konstrukci plochy druhho stupn z devti bod}", journal = RCA, year = "1916" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka16c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O sestrojovn kueloseek z bod imaginrnch}", journal = RCA, year = "1916" } @MISC{Sobotka16d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Pednky o geometrickch pbuznostech}" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka16e, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Vincenc Jarolmek}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1916", volume = "47 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka17a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O Steinerov vt o krunicch kivosti kueloseky a nkterch jejch vztazch k problemu normal}", journal = RCA, year = "1917" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka18a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O kivosti centricky kollinernch kivek v rovin}", journal = RCA, year = "1918" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka18b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O souvislosti kivosti kivky s kivost jejho prmtu a o nkolika vztazch pbuznch}", journal = RCA, year = "1918" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka18c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O kivosti kivek algebraickch}", journal = RCA, year = "1918" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka19a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Zvltn vztahy sted kivosti kueloseky}", journal = RCA, year = "1919" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka19b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Krunice a kueloseky, kter danou kueloseku oskuluj}", journal = RCA, year = "1919" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka20a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O kivosti plochy du vyho v obyejnm bod}", journal = RCA, year = "1920" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka20b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Ke kivosti druhho du dan plochy}", journal = RCA, year = "1920" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka21a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{O druh indikatrix plochy v obyejnm bod}", journal = RCA, year = "1921" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka22a, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Souvislost vty Feuerbachovy s rovnoramennou hyperbolou}", journal = RCA, year = "1922" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka22b, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Ke dvma dkazm vty Feuerbachovy}", journal = RCA, year = "1922" } @ARTICLE{Sobotka22c, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Posmrtn vzpomnka na Vincence Jarolmka}", journal = CASPMF, year = "1922", volume = "51 " } @ARTICLE{Sobotka22d, author = "Sobotka, J.", title = "{Vincenc Jarolmek}", journal = "{Almanach esk Akademie}", year = "1913", note = "{Nekrolog}" }