Submitted papers
K.Bering: Non-Decomposable Nambu Brackets. submitted to J. Math. Phys. [arXiv]
A.Bernamonti, N.Copland, B.Craps, F.Galli: Holographic thermalization of mutual and tripartite information in 2d CFTs. [arXiv]
J.Slovak, M.Eastwood: Conformally Fedosov manifolds. [arXiv]
Accepted articles
M.Groth, J.Stovicek: Tilting theory via stable homotopy theory, J.Reine Angew Math. (Crelle), in press. [arXiv]
K.Hammer, A.Vikman: Many Faces of Mimetic Gravity, ??, in press. [arXiv]
M.Lieberman, J.Rosicky: Hanf numbers via accessible images, Log. Meth. Comp. Sci. [arXiv]
M.Lieberman, J.Rosicky: Classification theory for accessible categories, Journal of Symbolic Logic. [arXiv]
G.Moreno: On the canonical connection for smooth envelopes , Demonstratio Math., 2014, 47. [arXiv]
G.Moreno, M.E.Stypa: On the vertex-to-edge duality between the Cayley graph and the coset geometry of von Dyck groups, Math.Slovaca. [arXiv]
G.Moreno, M.E.Stypa: Natural boundary conditions in geometric calculus of variations, Math.Slovaca. [arXiv]
G.Raptis, J.Rosicky: Small presentations of model categories and Vopěnka's principle, Homology, Homotopy Appl. [arXiv]
J.Rosicky, W.Tholen: Approximate injectivity, Appl. Cat. Struct. [arXiv]
M.Markl: Deformation theory of algebras and their diagrams, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2012, x+129 pp. [web]
R.Goebel, J.Trlifaj: Approximations and endomorphism algebras of modules. Volume 1, Walter de Gruyter Berlin-Boston, 2012, xxviii+458 pp. [web]
Chapters in books
A.Arvanitoyeorgos, I.Chrysikos, Y.Sakane: Homogeneous Einstein metrics on generalized flag manifolds with G2-type t-roots, in: T.Adachi, H.Hashimoto, M.Hristov "Prospects of Differential Geometry and Its Related Fields", World Scientific, 2013. [web]
V.Soucek: Representation Theory in Clifford Analysis, in D.Alpay(Ed.): "Handbook on Operator Theory". [web]
B.Jurco, J.Vysoky: Courant algebroid connections and string effective action, in: Y.Maeda, H.Moriyoshi, M.Kotani, S.Watamura "Noncommutative geometry and physics". [web arXiv]
Published articles
J.Adamek, J.Rosicky: On reflective subcategories of locally presentable categories, Theory Appl. Categ., 2015, 30, 1306-1318. [journal arXiv]
I.Dell’Ambrogio, G.Stevenson, J.Stovicek: Gorenstein homological algebra and universal coefficient theorems, Math. Zeit., 2017, 287, 1109-1155. [journal arXiv]
A.Arvanitoyeorgos, I.Chrysikos, Y.Skane: Homogeneous Einstein metrics on generalized flag manifolds with five isotropy summands, Int.J.Math.M., 2013, 24, 1350077 (52 pages). [journal arXiv]
T.Azevedo, R.Lipinski-Jusinskas: Background constraints in the infinite tension limit of the heterotic string, High Energ. Phys. (2016) 2016: 133. [journal]
T.Azevedo, R.Lipinski-Jusinskas: Connecting the ambitwistor and the sectorized heterotic strings, JHEP, 2017, 1710, 216. [journal arXiv]
T.Azevedo, R.Lipinski-Jusinskas: Notes on the ambitwistor pure spinor string, High Energ. Phys. (2016) 2016: 116. [journal]
M.Bachtold, G.Moreno: Remarks on non-maximal integral elements of the Cartan plane in jet spaces, J.Geom.Phys. 85 (2014), 185-195. [journal arXiv]
L.Barchini, P.Somberg: On the unitary globalization of cohomologically induced modules, J.Funct.Analysis 266 (2014), 3840-3854. [journal arXiv]
I.A.Batalin, K.Bering: A triplectic Bi-Darboux Theorem and Para-Hypercomplex Geometry, J.Math.Phys. 53 (2012) 123507, 1-25. [journal arXiv]
I.A.Batalin, K.Bering: External Sources in Field-Antifield Formalism, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A29 (2014) 1450058. [journal arXiv]
I.A.Batalin, K.Bering: Gauge Independence in a Higher-Order Lagrangian Formalism via Change of Variables in the Path Integral, Phys. Lett. B, 2015, 742, 23-28. [journal arXiv]
I.A.Batalin, K.Bering: Reparametrization-Invariant Effective Action in Field-Antifield Formalism, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A28 (2013) 1350027. [journal arXiv]
I.A.Batalin, K.Bering, P.M.Lavrov: A systematic study of finite BRST-BV transformations within W–X formulation of the standard and the Sp(2)-extended field–antifield formalism, Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76: 101. [journal arXiv]
I.A.Batalin, K.Bering, P.M.Lavrov, I.V.Tyutin: A systematic study of finite field-dependent BRST-BV transformations in Sp(2) extended fieldżantifield formalism, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A29 (2014), 1450167, (15 pages). [journal arXiv]
M.Batanin, M.Markl Operadic categories and Duoidal Deligne's conjecture, Adv. Math., 2015, 285, 1630-1687. [journal arXiv]
S.Bazzoni, J.Stovicek: Smashing localizations of rings of weak global dimension at most one, Adv. Math., 2017, 305, 351-401. [journal arXiv]
T.Beke, J.Rosicky Cellular objects and Shelah's singular compactness theorem, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220, 2016, 5, 1813-1836. [journal arXiv]
K.Bering: A Note on Angular Momentum Commutators in Light-Cone Formulation of Open Bosonic String Theory, Acta Phys.Polon. B43 (2012) no.9. [journal]
H.De Bie, M.Holikova, P.Somberg: Basic aspects of symplectic Clifford analysis for the symplectic Dirac operator, Adv. Applied Clifford Algebras, 2017, 27, 1103-1132. [journal arXiv]
H.De Bie, B.Orsted, P.Somberg, V.Soucek: The Clifford Deformation of the Hermite Semigroup, SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geometry, 2013, 9, 010, 22 pp. [journal arXiv]
H.De Bie, P.Somberg, V.Soucek: The metaplectic Howe duality and polynomial solutions for the symplectic Dirac operator, J.Geom.Phys. 75 (2014), 120-128. [journal arXiv]
P.Blaschke: Asymptotic analysis via calculus of hypergeometric functions, J.Math. Anal. Appl., 2016, 433, 2, 1790-1820. [journal]
P.Blaschke: Pedal coordinates, dark Kepler, and other force problems, J. Math. Phys., 2017, 58, 063505. [journal arXiv]
M.Blaschke, Z.Stuchlík, F.Blaschke, P.Blaschke: Classical corrections to black hole entropy in d dimensions: A rear window to quantum gravity?, Phys. Rev. D 2017, 96, 104012. [journal arXiv]
M.Blaszak, A.Sergyeyev: Dispersionless (3+1)-dimensional integrable hierarchies, Proc. Royal Soci. A, 2017, 473, 20160857. [journal arXiv]
W.Boney, R.Grossberg, M.Lieberman, J.Rosicky, S.Vasey: μ-Abstract elementary classes and other generalizations, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220 (2016), no. 9, 3048–3066. [journal arXiv]
J.Bourke: A colimit decomposition for homotopy algebras in Cat, Appl. Categ. Structures 22 (2014), no. 1, 13–28. [journal arXiv]
J.Bourke: Two dimensional monadicity, Adv.Math. 2014, 252, 708-747. [journal arXiv]
J.Bourke, R.Garner: Two-dimensional regularity and exactness, J.Pure.Appl.Algebra. 218 (2014), 1346-1371. [journal arXiv]
J.Bourke, R.Garner: Algebraic weak factorisation systems I: accessible AWFS, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 2016, 220, 108-147. [journal arXiv]
J.Bourke, R.Garner: Algebraic weak factorisation systems II: accessible AWFS, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 2016, 220, 148-174. [journal arXiv]
J.Bourke, N.Gurski: A cocategorical obstruction to tensor products of Gray-categories, Theory Appl. Categ., 2015, 30, 387-409. [journal arXiv]
A.Brooke-Taylor, J.Rosicky: Accessible images revisited, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), no. 3, 1317–1327. [journal arXiv]
F.Brackx, H.De Schepper,D.Eelbode, R.Lavicka, V.Soucek: Fischer decomposition for osp(4|2)-monogenics in quaternionic Clifford analysis, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 39 (2016), no. 16, 4874–4891. [journal arXiv]
F.Brackx, H.De Schepper,D.Eelbode, R.Lavicka, V.Soucek: Fischer decomposition in symplectic harmonic analysis, Ann.Global Anal.Geom. 46 (2014), 409-430. [journal arXiv]
F.Brackx, H.De Schepper,D.Eelbode, R.Lavicka, V.Soucek: Fundaments of quaternionic Clifford analysis I: quaternionic structure, Adv.Appl.Clifford Alg. 24 (2014), 955-980. [journal arXiv]
F.Brackx, H.De Schepper,D.Eelbode, R.Lavicka, V.Soucek: Fundaments of quaternionic Clifford analysis II: splitting of equations, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. 2017, 62, 616-641. [journal arXiv]
I.L.Buchbinder, K.Koutrolikos: BRST Analysis of the Supersymmetric Higher Spin Field Models, JHEP, 2015, 12, 106. [journal arXiv]
R.Bufalo, J.Kluson, M.Oksanen: Canonical formulation and path integral for local vacuum energy sequestering, Phys.Rev. D 94 (2016), 044005. [journal arXiv]
G.I.Burde, A.Sergyeyev: Ordering of two small parameters in the shallow water wave problem, J.Phys. A: Math.Theor. 46 (2013), 075501 [journal arXiv]
M.Cadek, M.Krcal, J.Matousek, L.Vokrinek, U.Wagner: Extendability of continuous maps is undecidable, Discr.Comput.Geom. 51 (2014), 24-66. [journal arXiv]
M.Cadek, M.Krcal, J.Matousek, L.Vokrinek, U.Wagner: Extending continuous maps: polynomiality and undecidability, In: Proc. of the 45th annual ACM symposium STOC'13, 2013, 595-604. [proceedings]
M.Cadek, M.Krcal, L.Vokrinek: Algorithmic solvability of the lifting-extension problem, Discrete and computational geometry, 2017, 57, 915-965. [journal arxiv]
A.Cap, V.Soucek: Relative BGG sequences: I. Algebra, J. Algebra 463 (2016), 188–210. [journal arXiv]
A.Cap, V.Soucek: Relative BGG sequences: II. BGG machinery and invariant operators, Adv. Math., 2017, 320, 1009-1062. [journal arXiv]
F.Colombo, R.Lavicka, I.Sabadini, V.Soucek: Monogenic plane waves and the W-functional calculus, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 39 (2016), no. 3, 412–424. [journal]
F.Colombo, R.Lavicka, I.Sabadini, V.Soucek: The Radon transform between monogenic and generalized slice monogenic functions, Math.Annalen, 2015, 363, 733-752. [journal arXiv]
K.Coulombier, P.Somberg, V.Soucek: Joseph ideals and harmonic analysis for osp(m|2n), Inter.Math.Res.Notes. 15 (2014), 4291-4340. [journal arXiv]
J.Courtial, S.Oxburgh, T.Tyc: Direct stigmatic imaging with curved surfaces, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, 2015, 32, 478-481. [journal]
I.Dalianis, F.Farakos: Exponential potential for an inflaton with nonminimal kinetic coupling and its supergravity embedding, Phys.Rev. D 90 (2104) 083512. [journal arXiv]
I.Dalianis, F.Farakos: Higher derivative D-term inflation in new-minimal supergravity, Phys.Lett. B 736 (2014), 299-304. [journal arXiv]
I.Dalianis, F.Farakos: On the initial conditions for inflation with plateau potentials: the R+R2 (super)gravity case, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 2015, 7, 044. [journal arXiv]
I.Dalianis, F.Farakos, A.Kehagias, A.Riotto, R. von Unge: Supersymmetry Breaking and Inflation from Higher Curvature Supergravity, JHEP, 2015, 1, 043. [journal arXiv]
A.Damiano, I.Sabadini, V.Soucek: Different approaches to the complex of three Dirac operators, Ann.Glob.Anal.Geom. 46 (2014), 313-334. [journal]
A.Danner, H.L.Dao, T.Tyc: Absolute optical instruments without spherical symmetry, Phys. Rev. A, 2015, 92, 053827. [journal]
A.Danner, H.L.Dao, T.Tyc: The Lissajous lens: a three-dimensional absolute optical instrument without spherical symmetry, Opt. Express, 2015, 23, 5716-5722. [journal]
A.Danner, T.Tyc: Visual defects when extending two-dimensional invisible lenses with circular symmetry into the third-dimension, Journal of Optics 18 (2016), 044013. [journal]
M.Dostalova, P.Somberg: Symplectic twistor operator and its solution space on R2, Arch.Math., 2013, 49, 161-185. [journal arXiv]
M.Dostalova, P.Somberg: Symplectic twistor operator on $\mR^{2n}$ and the Segal-Shale-Weil representation, Compl.Anal.Oper.Theory. 8 (2014), 513-528. [journal arXiv]
M.Doubek, B.Jurco, K.Munster: Modular operads and the quantum open-closed homotopy algebra, JHEP, 2015, 12, 158. [journal arXiv]
M.Englis, H.Xu: Forelli-Rudin construction and asymptotic expansion of Szegö kernel on Reinhardt domains, Osaka J.Math., 2015, 52, 905-929. [journal]
M.Englis, B.Iochum, K.Falk: Spectral triples and Toeplitz operators, J.Noncomm. Geom., 2015, 9, 1041-1076. [journal arXiv]
T.Erler: Analytic Solution for Tachyon Condensation in Berkovits' Open Superstring Field Theory, JHEP, 2013, 7, 11. [journal arXiv]
T.Erler: The Identity String Field and the Sliver Frame Level Expansion , JHEP 11, 2012, 150, 0-25. [journal arXiv]
T.Erler, C.Maccaferri: String Field Theory Solution for Any Open String Background, JHEP 1410 (2014), 029. [journal arXiv]
F.Farakos, P.Koci, R. von Unge: Superspace higher derivative terms in two dimensions, JHEP, 2017, 04, 002. [journal arXiv]
F.Farakos, R. von Unge: Complex Linear Effective Theory and Supersymmetry Breaking Vacua, Phys. Rev. D, 2015, 91, 045024. [journal arXiv]
F.Farakos, R. von Unge: Naturalness and chaotic inflation in supergravity from massive vector multiplets, JHEP 1408 (2104) 168. [journal arXiv]
F.Farakos, O.Hulik, P.Koci. R. von Unge: Non-minimal scalar multiplets, supersymmetry breaking and dualities, JHEP, 2105, 9, 177. [journal arXiv]
F.Farakos, A.Kehagis, K.Koutrolikos: Linearized Non-Minimal Higher Curvature Supergravity, Nuclear Phys. B, 2015, 894, 569-584. [journal arXiv]
M.Fischmann, Ch.Krattenthaler, P.Somberg: On conformal powers of the Dirac operator on Einstein manifolds, Math. Zeit., 2015, 280, 825-839. [journal arXiv]
M.Fischmann, P.Somberg: The Boundary Value Problem for Laplacian on Differential Forms and Conformal Einstein Infinity, J. Generalized Lie Theory Appl., 2017, 11, 1-9. [journal arXiv]
M.R.Forouzeshfard, T.Tyc: Photonic crystals composed of Eaton lenses and invisible lenses, Phys. Rev. A, 2017, 95, 013822. [journal]
S.J.Gates, K.Koutrolikos: From Diophantus to supergravity and massless higher spin multiplets, JHEP, 2017, 11, 063. [journal arxiv]
J.Gregorovic, L.Zalabova: Geometric properties of homogeneous parabolic geometries with generalized symmetries, Differential Geom. Appl. 49 (2016), 388–422. [journal arXiv]
J.Gregorovic, L.Zalabova: Notes on symmetric conformal geometries, Arch. Math., 2015, 51, 287-296. [journal arXiv]
M.Groth, J.Stovicek: Tilting theory for trees via stable homotopy theory, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220 (2016), no. 6, 2324–2363. [journal arXiv]
A.R.Gover, J.Silhan: Conformal operators on weighted forms; their decomposition and null space on Einstein manifolds, Annales Henri Poincaré 15 (2014), 679-705. [journal arXiv]
A.R.Gover, J.Silhan: Higher symmetries of the conformal powers of the Laplacian on conformally flat manifolds, J.Math.Phys. 53 (2012) 032301, no.3, 26 pp. [journal arXiv]
M.Hammerl, K.Sagerschnig, J.Silhan, V.Zadnik, A.Taghavi-Chabert: A projective-to-conformal Fefferman-type construction, SIGMA, Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl., 2017, 13, 081. [journal arXiv]
K.Hashimoto, M.Murata: A Landscape in Boundary String Field Theory: New Class of Solutions with Massive State Condensation, PTEP 2013, 043B01. [journal arXiv]
A.Hlavac, M.Marvan: Nonlocal conservation laws of the constant astigmatism equation, J. Geom. Phys., 2017, 113, 117-130. [journal arXiv]
S.A.R.Horsley, R.N.Foster, T.Tyc, T.G.Philbin: Active absorption of electromagnetic pulses in a cavity, New J.Phys., 2015, 17, 1-9. [journal arXiv]
R.Howe, R.Lavicka, S.T.Lee, V.Soucek: A reciprocity law and skew Pieri rule for the symplectic group, J. Math. Phys., 2017, 58, 031702. [journal arXiv]
P.Hu, I.Kriz, P.Somberg: Equivariant K-theory of compact Lie groups with involution, J.K-theory 13 (2014), 313-335. [journal arXiv]
P.Bouwknegt, B.Jurco: AKSZ construction of topological open p-brane action and Nambu brackets, Rev.Math.Phys. 25, 2013, 1330004, 31 pages. [journal arXiv]
S.Igonin, M.Marvan: On construction of symmetries and recursion operators from zero-curvature representations and the Darboux-Egoroff system, J.Geom.Phys. 85 (2014), 106-123. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco: From simplicial Lie algebras and hypercrossed complexes to differential graded Lie algebras via 1-jets, J.Geom.Phys. 62 (2012), 2389-2400. [journal]
B.Jurco, F.S.Khoo, P.Schupp, J.Vysoky: Generalized geometry and non-symmetric metric gravity, Fortschr. Phys. 64 (2016), no. 4-5, 369–370. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, K.Munster: Type II superstring field theory: geometric approach and operadic description, JHEP 2013, 4, 1-37. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, Ch.Saemann, M.Wolf: Semistrict Higher Gauge Theory, JHEP, 2015, 4, 087. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, P.Schupp: Nambu-Sigma models and branes, In: Proc. 11th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, Corfu Summer Institute 2011 (Corfu2011), 45-53. [proceedings arXiv]
B.Jurco, P.Schupp: Nambu-Sigma model and effective membrane actions, Phys. Let B, 2012, 713, 313-316. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, P.Schupp, J.Vysoky: Extended generalized geometry and a DBI-type effective action for branes ending on branes, JHEP 1408 (2014), 170. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, Ch.Saemann, M.Wolf: Higher grupoid bundles, higher spaces, and self-dual tensor field equations, Fortschr. Phys. 64 (2016), no. 8-9, 674–717. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, P.Schupp, J.Vysoky: p-Brane Actions and Higher Roytenberg Brackets , JHEP 2013, 2, 1-22. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, P.Schupp, J.Vysoky: Nambu-Poisson gauge theory, Phys.Lett. B733 (2014), 221-225. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, P.Schupp, J.Vysoky: On the generalized geometry origin of noncommutative gauge theory, JHEP 2013, 7, 1-17. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, J.Vysoky: Heterotic reduction of Courant algebroid connections and Einstein-Hilbert actions, Nuclear Phys. B 909 (2016), 86–121. [journal arXiv]
B.Jurco, J.Vysoky: Leibniz algebroids, generalized Bismut connections and Einstein-Hilbert actions, J.Geom. Phys., 2015, 97, 25-33. [journal arXiv]
I.Chrysikos, Y.Sakane: The classification of homogeneous Einstein metrics on flag manifolds with b_2(M) = 1, Bull.Sci.Math. 138 (2014), no.6, 665-692. [journal arXiv]
M.Chaichian, A.Ghalee, J.Kluson: Cosmological Perturbations in Restricted f(R)-Gravity. Phys.Rev. D, 2017, 95, 084009. [journal arXiv]
M.Chaichian, J.Kluson, M.Oksanen, A.Tureanu: Can TeVeS be a viable theory of gravity?. Phys.Lett. B. 735 (2014) 322-326. [journal arXiv]
M.Chaichian, J.Kluson, M.Oksanen, A.Tureanu: Higher derivative gravity with spontaneous symmetry breaking: Hamiltonian analysis of new covariant renormalizable gravity. Phys.Rev. D, 2013, 87, 064032 (24 pages). [journal arXiv]
G.J.Chaplain, G.Macauley, J.Belin, T.Tyc, E.N.Cowie, J.Courtial: Ray optics of generalized lenses, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 33 (2016), Issue 5, 962-969. [journal]
H.Chen, Y.Xu, H.Li, T.Tyc: Playing the tricks of numbers of light sources, New J.Phys., 2013, 15, 093034. [journal]
M.Khouchen, J.Kluson: Giant Magnon on Deformed AdS(3)xS(3), Phys.Rev. D 90 (2014), 066001. [journal arXiv]
T.Kimura, M.Murata: Current reflection and transmission at conformal defects: applying BCFT to transport process, Nucl.Phys. B 885 (2014), 266-279. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: (m, n)-String in (p, q)-string and (p, q)-five-brane background, J. Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76: 582. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Canonical Analysis of Unimodular Gravity, Phys.Rev. D, 2015, 91, 064058. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Canonical description of T-duality for fundamental string and D1-brane and double Wick rotation, International Journal of Modern Physics A, March 2016, Vol. 31, No. 07. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Comments about Hamiltonian formulation of non-linear massive gravity with Stuckelberg fields, JHEP 1206 (2012) 170. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Conformal Traceless Decomposition of Lagrange Multiplier Modified Horava-Lifshitz Gravity, Gen. Rel. Grav., 2015, 47, 10, 115. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Canonical analysis of inhomogeneous Dark Energy Model and theory of limiting curvature, JHEP, 2017, 03, 031. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Carroll limit of non-BPS Dp-brane, JHEP, 2017, 05, 108. [journal arXiv]
M.Khouchen, J.Kluson: D-brane on Deformed AdS_3 times S^3, JHEP, 2015, 8, 046. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: (p, q)-five brane and (p, q)-string solutions, their bound state and its near horizon limit, JHEP, 2016, 1606, 002. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Hamiltonian analysis of the conformal decomposition of the gravitational field, Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 084001. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Hamiltonian analysis of Minimal Massive Gravity Coupled to Galileon Tadpole Term, JHEP, 2013, 80. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Hamiltonian analysis of mixed derivative Horava-Lifshitz gravity, Phys.Rev. D 94 (2016), 104043. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Hamiltonian analysis of non-relativistic non-BPS Dp-brane, JHEP, 2017, 07, 007. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Hamiltonian analysis of 1+1 dimensional massive gravity, Phys.Rev. D86(2012) 044010. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Hamiltonian formalism of general bimetric gravity, Europ.Phys.J. C, 2013, 73, 2553. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Hamiltonian formalism of particular bimetric gravity model, Phys. Rev. D, 2013, 87, 084017 (8 pages). [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Integrability of D1-brane on group manifold, JHEP 1409 (2014) 159. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Integrability of a D1-brane on a group manifold with mixed three-form flux, Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016), 046003. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Is bimetric gravity really ghost free?, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A, 2013, 28, 1350143 (17 pages). [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Non-linear massive gravity with additional primary constraint and absence of ghosts, Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 044024. [journal arXiv]
M.Chaichian, J.Kluson, M.Oksanen: Non-Projectable Horava-Lifshitz Gravity without Unwanted Scalar Graviton, Phys.Rev. D, 2015, 92, 104043. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Note About Canonical Formalism for Normalized Gravity And Vacuum Energy Sequestering Model, JHEP, 2015, 1, 85. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Note about Hamiltonian formalism for general non-linear massive gravity action in Stuckelberg formalism, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A, 2013, 28, 1350160 (16 pages). [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Note about Hamiltonian structure of non-linear massive gravity, JHEP 1201 (2012) 013. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Note about non-relativistic diffeomorphism invariant gravity action in three dimensions, Phys.Rev. D. 89 (2014), 104036. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Note about unstable D-branes with dynamical tension, Phys.Rev. D 94 (2016), 046004. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Remark about Hamiltonian formulation for general non-linear massive gravity in Stuckelberg formalism, Phys.Rev. D86 (2012), 124005. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Restricted f(R) gravity and its cosmological implications, Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016), 104020. [journal]
S.P.Barik, M.Khouchen, J.Kluson, K.L.Panigrahi: SL(2, Z) invariant rotating (m, n) strings in AdS3×S3AdS3×S3 with mixed flux, Eur. Phys. J. C, 2017, 77, 298. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Two Dimensional f(R) Horava-Lifshitz Gravity, Phys. Rev D, 2017, 95, 084026. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson: Uniform Gauge for D1-brane in General Background, JHEP, 2015, 6, 181. [journal arXiv]
J.Kluson, S.Nojiri, S.D.Odintsov: New proposal for non-linear ghost-free massive F(R) gravity: cosmic acceleration and Hamiltonian analysis, Phys.Lett. B, 2013, 726, 918-925. [journal arXiv]
T.Kobayashi, B.Orsted, P.Somberg, V.Soucek: Branching laws for Verma modules and applications in parabolic geometry. I, Adv. Math., 2015, 285, 1-57. [journal arXiv]
P.Koci, K.Koutrolikos, R. von Unge: Complex linear superfields, supercurrents and supergravities, JHEP, 2017, 02, 076. [journal arXiv]
I.S.Krasilshchik, A.Sergyeyev, I.I.Morozov: Infinitely many nonlocal conservation laws for the ABC equation with A+B+C≠0, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 55 (2016), no. 5, Art. 123, 12 pp. [journal arXiv]
L.Krizka, P.Somberg: Algebraic analysis on scalar generalized Verma modules of Heisenberg parabolic type I.: An-series, Trans. Groups, 2017, 22, 403-457. [journal arXiv]
L.Krizka, P.Somberg: Differential invariants on symplectic spinors in contact projective geometry, J. Math. Phys., 2017, 58, 091701. [journal arXiv]
L.Krizka, P.Somberg: Equivariant differential operators on spinors in conformal geometry, Compl. Var. Ellipt. Equations, 2017, 62, 583-599. [journal arXiv]
L.Krizka, P.Somberg: On the composition structure of the twisted Verma modules for sl(3,C), Adv. Math., 2015, 51, 299-314. [journal arXiv]
A.Kuber, J.Rosicky: Definable categories, J. Pure Appl. Alg., 2018, 222, 5, 1006-1025. [journal arXiv]
A.Lazarev, M.Markl: Disconnected rational homotopy theory, Adv. Math., 2015, 283, 303-361. [journal arXiv]
U.Leonhardt, S.Sahebdivan, A.Kogan, T.Tyc: A simple model explaining super-resolution in absolute optical instruments, New J.Phys., 2015, 17, 1-9. [journal]
M.Lieberman, J.Rosicky: Limits of abstract elementary classes, Theory Appl. Categ., 2015, 30, 1647-1685. [journal arXiv]
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