Partner Surveys - Lewisham - Survey
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UK survey for training basic skills teachers
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An overview of the UK educational and FE systems (from British Council)
[PDF, 68kB]
1.1.1 General education system
1.1.2 UK teacher education system, including pre-service teacher training and in-Service teacher training
1.1.3 List of relevant websites: News
1.1.4 UK further education system
1.1.5 Further education: FE colleges
1.1.6 Further education: curriculum and qualifications
1.1.7 Further education: quality assurance
1.2 An overview of the UK Further Education sector (from Eurydice)
1.2.1 Initial training of teachers in further and adult education institutions
1.2.2 Curriculum and content
1.2.3 Training models and duration of training
1.2.4 Evaluation and certification
1.2.5 In-Service Teacher Training
1.3 An overview of adult basic skills (from various sources)
1.3.1 The national literacy strategy and Literacy Hour (from DfES, and National Literacy Trust)
1.3.2 National qualifications framework (from Core Curriculum)
1.3.3 Student levels in FE basic skills
1.3.4 Initial teacher training qualifications diagram (from Tower Hamlets PDC)
1.3.5 Routes into teaching adult ESOL, literacy and numeracy diagram
1.3.6 Teacher Training (from talent)
1.3.7 Adult Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) (from Fento)
1.3.8 Trainer qualifications (from Fento)
1.3.9 List of useful websites (from PDC, Lewisham)
1.3.10 Access for All – guidance on making the adult literacy and numeracy core curricula accessible
1.4 In-service Generic Teacher Training, Lewisham College
Meeting with Graham de Smidt
[PDF, 22kB]
1.4.2 Information sheets (from Lewisham College)
SKL PDC, Lewisham College
1.1 Literacy – Pre-service training
1.1.1 University of Greenwich PGCE
1.1.2 University of Greenwich/Lewisham College Level 4 Certificate in Literacy: Trainees’ Feedback
1.2 Literacy – In-service training
Literacy core curriculum
1.2.2 Level 4 subject specifications
Level 4 handbook
[PDF, xxxkB]
1.2.4 Level 4 trainees’ feedback
1.2.5 Level 3 subject specifications
1.2.6 Level 3 handbook
1.3 Numeracy – In-/Pre-service training
Numeracy core curriculum
1.3.2 Level 4 subject specifications
Level 4 handbook
[PDF, 193kB]
1.3.4 Level 4 trainees’ feedback (to follow)
1.3.5 Level 3 subject specifications
Level 3 Handbook
[PDF, 195kB]
Advanced Numeracy handbook
[PDF, 183kB]
1.3.7 Level 3/Advanced Numeracy trainees’ feedback
1.3.8 Level 3/Advanced Numeracy self-assessment report
1.3.9 Sample materials
1.4 Language (ESOL) – In-/Pre-service training
Adult ESOL core curriculum
1.4.2 Level 4 subject specifications
1.4.3 Level 3 subject specifications
1.4.4 Cambridge Module 1 and 2 syllabus
1.4.5 Module 1 trainees’ feedback (to follow)
1.4.6 Sample materials
Documents attached:
Access for All
Core curricula
Fento subject specifications
PDC course handbooks (including programme overviews, assessment criteria)
Sample materials
Traning Basic Skills Teachers - A Comenius 2.1 Project