Welcome Party and a registration
Aug 18,
beginning at 6pm, Hotel Continental, street Kounicova 6, Brno.
Trips - Aug 21, 2013, departure from the Faculty of Science Campus at 1.45pm. Trip A: cruise on the Brno reservoir + banquet → a guided tour of the castle Veveří.
Trip B: a guided tour of the castle Zidlochovice → wine party.
Farewell Party Aug 23, beginning at 7pm, Museum of Applied Arts, street Husova 14, Brno. |
DGA News
Andrei Agrachev, Jian Song and Karsten Grove had to cancel their
participation, Valentin Lychagin, Boris Botvinnik and Boris Kruglikov were invited as plenary lecturers.
Upcoming Deadlines
August 10, 2013
Preliminary Programme Schedule
will be displayed
August 18, 2013
Arrival day and Welcome Party to DGA2013
August 26, 2013
Mini-workshop on applications
of sub-Riemannian geometry (in Neuroscience etc.) in the
next week after the DGA2013.